Updates To The Peace In Space website 2022 – 2024
This is the year of the signing of the Treaty to Prevent the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space.
This is the year we acknowledge our visiting ETs and their crafts are not a threat. And when world leaders have agreed to not be “first” to place weapons above all our heads.
And this is the year when this website will focus on the courageous individuals who call for this Treaty to be signed into a binding world law. And who also work on producing a new vision of expanding joint international cooperative civil, commercial, entrepreneurial and military space ventures that will replace the old plans to escalate weapons into space.
We will explore:
- News that we believe helps us rise above the problems into a higher state of consciousness where higher technology and solutions are emerging .
- People and projects that are supporting the most important document of our time — the immediate signing of this Treaty will prevent the placement of weapons in space so peace can emerge on this planet.
- Who is working towards the banning of all space-based weapons so that the technologically, economically, politically, psychologically, socially and spiritually new vision of what we all know we can have and want will happen.
The global risk of weapons in space above our heads

President Putin calls for this international Treaty to prohibit the placement of weapons in space “above all our heads. It means that each of us will have to live at all times, say, under a nuclear weapon. Permanently! Will anyone ever think about it, talk about it, or show any concern? No, complete silence …. Clearly so! Everyone is pretending to be deaf, blind or dyslexic. We have to react to this somehow, don’t we?”
He calls for this international Treaty to prohibit weapons in space, opposing the weaponization of space. And for more world leaders that commit to not being “first” to place weapons in space.
The late Dr. Wernher von Braun also warned, decades ago, that “the last card” would be played. This card falsely identifies extraterrestrial beings and crafts as the next enemy — whom we should build weapons of war for fighting — in space. It’s being played right now. We will be exploring this further.
As noted geopolitical and space expert Dr. Alexander Semenov of the Ecology of the Unknown in Russia says, “This is the critical time to decide whether or not to weaponize space.” There is “no time or need for debate or compromise.”
We suggest:
- Read this Treaty, posted on Peace In Space.
- Contact your nation’s leaders to urge them to immediately sign this Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space.
- Post the Treaty and network: educate, speak, publish, influence, using the titles of the articles on this website as talking points. They tell the story of those who are courageously working on steps towards getting the Treaty signed — steps that will change the course of history.