Russia delegation submits three resolutions to the UN General Assembly: transparency and confidence; not to be first to deploy weapons in space; and practical measures for agreements

Russian Federation at the UN office in Geneva
A Russian delegation submitted three draft resolutions, aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space, for consideration by the First Committee of the UN General Assembly on Oct 15, 2019, according to Andrei Belousov, deputy representative of the Russian Federation at the UN office in Geneva.
“The first draft resolution concerns measures of transparency and confidence in outer space. The second reflects the Russian initiative to not deploy the first weapons in space. And the third is on further practical measures to prevent an arms race in outer space,” Belousov explained.
In addition, a draft resolution, “On Strengthening and Developing the Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Arrangements,” will be officially introduced.
The materials for this draft resolution noted that it is aimed at consolidating the world community in maintaining and improving the system of arms control agreements.
SOURCE: РФ внесет в Первый комитет ГА ООН три резолюции по разоружению в космосе