BRICS leaders call for legally binding agreement to prevent the placement of weapons in outer space
The heads of states of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) met in Brazilia, Brazil on November 14 and 15, 2019 to adopt a final summit declaration regarding a possible arms race in outer space, with a call for an international agreement.
Need for a legally binding international treaty
“We express serious concern about a possible arms race in outer space and reiterate the need to carry out research and peaceful uses of outer space in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations,” the document says.
“We emphasize the urgent need to agree on a legally binding multilateral document that can fill the vacuum in the international legal regime governing outer space, including preventing the placement of weapons in outer space,” according to the leaders of the five countries.
They emphasized that practical transparency and confidence-building measures can also contribute to this goal. “Any instrument on this issue should exclude any discrimination and contain operational provisions on the right to develop technologies for peaceful uses,” the leaders state.
Science, technology and innovation: forces of economic growth
The parties emphasized the importance of science, technology and innovation (STI) as one of the main driving forces of economic growth, as well as a key element in shaping the future of the five countries.
“We note the progress made in the negotiations on the development of the draft BRICS Agreement on the creation of a constellation of satellites for remote sensing of the Earth and look forward to its early conclusion,” they said.
“We are satisfied with the results achieved in the implementation of the Innovation Action Plan, such as the creation of the BRICS Innovation Research Network. We also welcome the adoption of the BRICS New Architecture in Science, Technology and Innovation.
The five countries also noted progress in implementing the decision of the Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development to establish full-scale functioning of the BRICS Partnership on the new industrial revolution. (This is a partnership program among BRICS nations that will focus on maximizing the opportunities arising from the fourth industrial revolution/new industrial revolution.)
Full text of BRICS Summit Brasilia Declaration
Source: TASS