Vatican diplomat at UN General Assembly says outer space should be ‘free from weapons of any sort’

At a recent meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, issued a statement on preventing an arms race in outer space. (See full statement here.)
“The continued, and increasing, reliance on outer space platforms that support communications, navigation, position finding and the daily commerce of activities here on Earth points to the importance of our work to support the security, efficiency and sustainability of such platforms,” he said. “Attacking them, or interfering with their proper functions, for example by illuminating them with destructive beams of electromagnetic energy, should therefore be prohibited.
“Attacking satellites in any way, whether from space or Earth, or by launching weapons from outer space at targets on Earth, is inconsistent with the principle of cooperation and mutual assistance in peaceful outer space activities, he said.
“The UN Disarmament Commission was unable to convene this past spring because of an impasse, which should be resolved without delay so that the Commission can resume its consideration of transparency and confidence-building measures for outer space. Such measures can support both sustainability of operations and activities in outer space, and security more broadly, not only in space but likewise on Earth.”
The statement was presented on October 29, 2019 at a United Nations General Assembly on Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space.
Also see: Catholic World News