Space is a living environment; there is no threat from ETs or UFOs

Time for joint international space ventures for benefits to all
Colonel General Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Scientific Expert of the Ecology of the Unknown Association
The United States is now launching a seemingly fantastic program to start an international global war against an alien invasion. It would seem that this is a kind of illusion, a fantasy that has no real relation to the security of our countries, the planet, and all of humanity. I believe — based on my military experience and life experience, and based on the implementation of the U.S. Star Wars program — that the United States initiated and conducted.
I see that this fight against aliens and flying saucers [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena] is just a coverup. In fact, it runs a huge program – a special access program – that even the U.S. President and Congress are not allowed to receive the full reports of.
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This program is about an intrusion, dangerous intrusions into the space environment. More than 30 special access programs are launched and funded by the United States for the invasion of space.
Why do I believe that this threat can be, and is the most important, the most crucial threat to the life of humanity today? Because, first of all, space is a living environment. It is not some dead emptiness which is usually spoken of. But there exists in space other life forms.
And this has been proven by both Russian and foreign thinkers, including Academician Vernadsky, academician Kaznacheyev, expert Kpzyrev and others. Here, we are living on the planet Earth. We are part of this large living system, the Universe.
And, therefore, any invasion of space, especially for the purpose of placing, testing and using new weapons, new types of weapons, not just weapons of mass destruction, but far superior ones in their lethal effectiveness to nuclear weapons that pose a threat to humanity.
Yes, the threat of the destruction of all life on the planet Earth! Therefore, today it is necessary to deal seriously with space for all mankind, including for the elite, and so on.
No more launching weapons into space! No more creating weapons! Here such weapons are being created as a result the implementation of the U.S. Star Wars program.
And this is a climate weapon. This is an informational and psychological weapon. And when billions of people are struck from space, they change the consciousness of people. This is a weapons system that can turn off all life programs. That is it! Today, the Americans are trying to create even more deadly weapons, and from space, to influence all the processes on the planet Earth.
These are a lithospheric weapons. This includes all kinds of infections, viruses, and so on and so forth. Therefore, today, we earthlings must, categorically, oppose it. We must conduct joint international research, rather than shutting that down to produce clandestine [secret] programs.
We must give access to educational programs to make space our common safe habitat. SAFE! And use its energy. Use space for the benefit of all the people of this planet and of all nature…the living nature of the Earth.
You have to raise this voice in defense of the security of space and understand that in any invasion of the outer space is like an invasion of the system of our genes — our human genes. An invasion with evil intentions in space will affect the situation on planet Earth, the health and survival of humanity, including the preservation of the life of all living organisms of the planet Earth.
And at the same time, it should be taken into account that neither the American state, nor the President, nor the Congress implements these functions. There are secret programs, namely people who are in the shadow — what former President Donald Trump called the Deep State. These are people who bring evil to humanity, people who speak out for the destruction of more than 6 billion people on the planet.
And at the same time, you need to keep in mind that, yes, aliens, in one form or another are present on this planet Earth. Because out of billions of galaxies, even according to the theory of probability, there is no chance that organized intelligent life exists only on the planet Earth. But so far, the extraterrestrials have not caused any damage with their presence — no damage to earthlings, infrastructure, or any other living organism on Earth.
So to say there is an alien threat, well, that probability doesn’t correspond to reality. And if other extraterrestrial civilizations have contact with the Earth, they are more developed than we are. And they are educated. And they understand that in any living system, especially in the system of the Universe, in the system of universal civilizations, you cannot damage another element of this life without destroying this system as a whole.
So please, scientists of Russia, yes, I believe of the whole world: we are ready to discuss the reality of alien presence, that is, of other extraterrestrial civilizations. And no doubt that the making of these related programs clandestine [secret] and trusting people who do not seek to provide the normal (peaceful) life and the safety of all life on the planet, of course, is unacceptable!