The Last Card: Out From Shadows
By Alexander Evgenievich SEMYONOV

The term “last card” was voiced by the founder of rocketry in Germany, the creator of the American space industry, Werner von Braun. At one time, he occupied a prominent position in the SS Order and was aware of a number of its sacred secrets. This is the name von Braun gave for the final, fourth stage of establishing of a new world order, gaining power over the entire planet Earth.
All stages of the plan became known at the end of von Braun’s life in the mid-70s. Something about them was known to the presidents of the United States. In 1985, at a meeting in Geneva, Ronald Reagan proposed (in the spirit of the “last card”) to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to unite the nuclear forces of the two countries to fight the invasion of aggressive aliens. Ten years later, all stages of the plan were described in the works of Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former U.S. national security adviser.
Four stages of this plan imply options for complete unification under the auspices of the fight against a common enemy of all resources, armies, money, laws, media, religion, ideology, etc. and, most importantly, voluntary and absolutely legitimate election of the central government and the sole planetary leader.
The first stage is the victory over the Soviet Union. Ideologically and geographically. This stage has been completed, but not completely. Russia, as the successor to the USSR, is not defeated and is increasingly asserting itself. But nevertheless, the sociopolitical situation in the world after the first stage has changed greatly;
The second stage is the victory over international terrorism. It was carried out from a military-financial point of view, but not by the effective cooperation of many countries, but in fact by Russia. The threat of international terrorism has taken on new forms, but there has been no real unification in this struggle;
The third stage is the threat from space (asteroid, comet, solar flare, etc.). This stage seems unfulfilled, however, if we do not forget about the unexpected outbreak of the global pandemic COVID-19, then it is far from over…
The fourth stage is the recognition of the existence of aliens and the fight against them in order to repel possible aggression and enslavement of humanity. Earthlings have little chances, but if we combine all available resources and choose a commander for operational leadership, then there will be hope for salvation…
It can be noted that the whole plan was born on the basis of neo-conservative ideas: that in order to obtain your own benefit, you need to use and create any disagreements and contradictions, deliberately inflate conflicts and seek mutual struggle of all with all.
On this issue, Werner von Braun briefly stated: “And all this is a lie!”
The introduction into public and state discussion of the fourth stage, which has been gradually preparing for more than 60 years — the “last card” — is not at all a fantasy. It may come out of the shadows by mid-2021!
For decades, despite desperate efforts of investigators, large teams of enthusiasts and even government agencies, in official scientific circles and the media, the UFO problem has been almost constantly discredited, reduced to the level of entertainment stories…
But it’s more than that. The silence on this issue has a political aspect. Back in 1977, at the 33rd UN General Assembly, when the Memorandum prepared by the international ufological organization ICUFON was considered by one well-known physicist.
He noted that none of the leaders of the countries, not a single government, would take the responsibility to admit that they could not in any way identify the phenomenon sighted over its territory, or somehow influence it — that is, it could not ensure the guaranteed safety of its population…
In 2017, the existence of a UFO study program was reported by the Washington Post and The New York Times. Within its framework, the American Department of Defense conducted an investigation of incidents involving unidentified flying objects and the study of unidentified atmospheric phenomena. After these publications, the Pentagon acknowledged this investigation for the first time after the U.S. Air Force UFO Blue Book project was closed in 1969.
Funding for the modern program was initiated at the request of Harry Reid, ex- Senator from the Democratic Party (Nevada). Its budget was $ 22 million, most of which went to subsidies for Bigelow Aerospace, run by Las Vegas hotel tycoon Robert Bigelow. He is a close friend of Senator Reid, who lobbied for the program, and donated tens of thousands of dollars to Reid’s re-election campaigns in 2004 and 2010 on several occasions.
In 2018, President Trump announced the decision to create the U.S. Space Force, and in 2019 it was actually created. In the same year, the COVID-19 epidemic began.
In 2019, the U.S. Department of Defense released a document regarding classified research under the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. The department had announced the existence of such threats in 2017, based on the results of the 2007-2012 research on the problem by a special group of the U.S. Navy.
This document was published at the request of the director of the Federation of American Scientists. It lists studies that were initiated by the U.S. Department of Defense. On seven pages, 38 names of research directions were indicated, which were involved in various scientific organizations.
Among those directions:
- study of parallel dimensions and portals in space
- development of a promising space power plant based on vacuum (space-time metric),
- communication using gravitational waves
- positron aerospace engine
- the importance of quantum entanglement and nonlocality for space communications,
- WARP engine
- dark energy and manipulating extra dimensions
- nuclear engines for manned deep space missions
- traversable wormholes, stargates and negative energy
- creating “invisible gaps” in space
Despite the fact that such studies may seem absurd to outside observers, such rocesses are natural for the Pentagon. The expectation is that, having studied 1000 incredible ideas, at the 1001st, researchers will make a sudden breakthrough and really discover the WARP engine, teleportation and time travel — everything that was previously related to science fiction — and as a result there will be received an effective means of influence or threat of influence on all dissenting…
Obviously, work in these and other areas has long been tacitly carried out in the system of the so-called “Unacknowledged Special Access Projects.” In the American secrecy structure, there are not 3 levels, as in Russia, but 10. Unacknowledged projects appear at level 7 as “public unacknowledged projects.” At the 8th level, these are “unacknowledged black” projects. And on the levels 9 and 10 – “non-existent deep black projects” and “special access projects under cover”, completely hidden even from the President and Congress.
Unacknowledged projects, presumably, are generously funded. So, according to one of the investigators, at the end of the 90s – the beginning of the 2000s, at least 1 to 2 trillion dollars disappeared from the official US budget without a trace.
In December 2020, Donald Trump signed a law obliging the U.S. federal services, including the FBI and the CIA, to pass all UFO information to Congress. The CIA immediately complied with the order and published 2,780 pages of hitherto classified files. The department said that this is their complete collection. However, ufologists immediately noticed that some documents had been edited in advance, some of the information was missing in others, and in general, there were too few of them.
As with the declassification of UFO archives in France, Sweden and the UK, the details of such documents are of little value, except for one thing: they all demonstrate that the UFO factor is absolutely real!
It is important that the Pentagon in this situation issued a statement that unidentified flying objects may be of extraterrestrial origin, since they are made of materials that do not exist on Earth, i.e. actually admitted that UFOs are material and have been carefully studied.
In proof of the superpowers of UFOs, the Office of Naval Intelligence has published a video of three flights of mysterious aerial objects. According to former intelligence officers, they were always worried about the UFO phenomenon not so much by aliens as by the possible lag in aviation from potential adversaries — China and Russia.
Finally, under the High Spending Bill signed by President Trump on December 27, 2020, the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence are required to report to the intelligence and military committees of Congress by the end of June 2021 what their agencies know about UFOs. This directive was included in the Committee Comments section of the Reconnaissance Law for FY2021.
The document states that the Pentagon has less than six months to provide these Congressional committees with a report on “unidentified aerial objects and phenomena”. It should contain a detailed analysis of UFO data collected by the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Task Force on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and the FBI, as well as identify any potential national security threats posed by UFOs, and assess whether any of the adversaries, particularly China and Russia, could stand behind such activities.
The report must be open, but may contain confidential applications.
How can the Pentagon, and with it the CIA, FBI and others, respond to a request formulated in this way? The claim that UFOs pose no threat and thus admit that taxpayer money is wasted? That military experts and world-famous scientists have not been able to determine the nature of UFOs? Or, on the contrary, will there be announced some serious threats posed by UFOs, the neutralization of which requires new financial injections into the military- industrial complex to create countermeasures?
The answer is obvious. It is highly likely that it will be announced in one form or another that one should prepare for the invasion of Earth from space by a new, very powerful enemy. After all, for many decades, UFOs, without introducing themselves, have invaded the space above military bases, squadrons of warships, airfields, large military-industrial centers, and indeed anywhere. Flying saucer pilots do not ask permission for their flights and probably plan to use the resources of our planet.
The state-political reaction to such coverage of the problem may be the conclusion that the forces of only one country cannot defeat this enemy. It is necessary to quickly, voluntarily pool the resources of all or most of the countries under the command of the global operational headquarters and its commander… There is no longer time to collegially discuss the situation, for example, at the slowly working UN Assemblies and issue vague declarations on this score. We need to act!
In approximately this vein, total brainwashing will begin for all of humanity. It will be carried out by the world mass media and network resources under the influence of the “deep state.” This will be accompanied by a reformatting of banking structures under the auspices of, say, the Federal Reserve System, reforming of the army, primarily its closest allies, as well as an increase in the activity of the intelligence community’s operational actions.
And at the same time, an intensive implementation of the new U.S. space doctrine will surely begin, which states that outer space is the theater of future military operations. Various weapons systems will begin to be launched into near and deep space, in the future to the Moon and further to Mars. Who will these space weapons threaten – extraterrestrials or dissenting peoples, countries, alliances, people on planet Earth?..
Is it possible to simulate an “alien” threat? Easy. The technical means of producing fakes in the media and computer networks are already well known. For example, it is quite possible to create a “reality show” of landing on some island of a brigade of evil space invaders. You can even sacrifice this island, actually using low-power nuclear weapons against this brigade…
For these purposes, laser and optical methods (such as Project “Blue Beam”) of creating over the selected territories of effects like mirages of religious, apocalyptic or ufological content will be very useful. Demonstration flights with simulated air attacks of “terrestrial” flying saucers may also come in handy, according to a number of statements available in “Area-51″… As a result, mass panic can be guaranteed.
The 4th stage of the global restructuring of civilization — the formation of a new world order — seems to be approximately the same. The “last card” will come out of the shadows to embody the idea of absolute planetary power, to create a computer-consumer, moderately well-fed concentration camp in which the overwhelming majority of people will live with strict adherence to the appropriate rules of behavior, communication and thinking.
And yet another, more terrible prospect may be the prospect of the probable targeting and use of weapons launched into space against single or group unidentified aerial-space objects. The response can target not only a specific combat satellite, but the entire planet. And this reaction may take the form of a non-direct-response shot… For example, a particularly predatory strain of an unknown virus may suddenly appear on Earth, or the Yellowstone caldera may explode, a hole in the ozone layer may appear, the planet’s magnetic field may change dramatically…
And all this can happen in the summer of 2021!
Earth people, do you want this? If not, raise your voice against the impending deployment of weapons in outer space! Let the leaders of the leading space powers, and then of all countries, sign the Treaty (International Law) banning the placement of any weapons in Outer Space for all eternity!
The draft of this Treaty in Russian and English is on our website and not only there…
And one more thing! Where did the opinion come from that representatives of civilizations from other planets and stellar systems, messengers of more complex dimensions and metrics of space-time are hostile to us? How and by whom has this been demonstrated and proved to be true? With an honest, objective analysis, even the cases when people and equipment suffered during encounters with UFOs can be explained by a simple ignorance of the safety rules by earthlings when contacting them. It is also a fact that there was not a single case of issuing an ultimatum to earthlings during the telepathic work of the so-called contactees.
We are trying to extend to the Cosmos our ideas about good and evil, our morality, which is far from being perfect, our habit of imposing force on dissenters and even taking the
life of millions of beings at times. And it seems to us that it works everywhere… We are far from understanding that other perfect rules and laws operate in the Cosmos, without which we have nothing to do in its vastness. Intelligent Powers of the Universe simply won’t allow us there.
All religions urge humanity to observe the higher rules of life. The great Russian cosmists — Pavel Florensky, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Vladimir Vernadsky, Alexander Chizhevsky, Vlail Kaznacheev and many other great earthlings — pointed out the ways of familiarizing ourselves with cosmic laws.
It is time, finally, to start studying, at least theoretically, cosmic morality and ethics of behavior!
Down with the “last card”!
Provide for the signing of the comprehensive Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space!
Join our project “THE ETHICS OF THE COSMOS“!
Feb. 2, 2021