Hereford, Texas Designated naval aviator: 1954 Military test pilot: 1958-1972
Technical Director, Navy Space Systems: 1964-1965 Served with NASA and the Astronaut Corps: 1966-1972
Served on the backup crew for Apollo 10 and Apollo 16Lunar Module
Pilot Apollo 14 lunar mission, January 31-February 9, 1971; became sixth
man to walk on the moon.
BS Industrial Management, Carnegie Mellon University, 1952BS Aeronautics, US Naval Postgraduate School, 1961
ScD Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, 1964
EngD Engineering, New Mexico State University, 1971 (honorary) ScD Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1971 (honorary)
ScD Engineering, University of Akron, 1979 (honorary)PhD Embry-Riddle University 1996 (honorary)
- Founder, Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1973; Chairman 1973-1982
- Board, Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space.
President, Edgar Mitchell Productions, 1980–
Public Speaker, Lecturer, Consultant, Author, 1972—
Author: “The Way of the Explorer” Putnam NY ’96; “Psychic
Exploration: A Challenge for Science”, Putnam NY ’74; numerous
scientific papers and articles
Member, Society of Experimental Test Pilots 1966–
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1963-1983 Member, International Platform Association, 1975-1983
Member, Explorers Club, 1972– Member, World Futures Society, 1975–
Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1975-1983
Member, Radio and Television Correspondents Association, 1972– (honorary)
- Notre Dame University, Albert Schmidt Lecturer, 1972
- Rotary International Convention, Lausanne, Switzerland, keynote address, 1973
- Outstanding Man of the Year, Carnegie Mellon Alumni, 1972
- Drexel University, Engineering and Science Award, 1974
- Kappa Sigma Man of the Year Award, 1972
- Space Hall of Fame, inducted 1979
- Kalamazoo College, John Fetzer Lecturer, 1979
- Lowell Thomas Man of the Year Award, Explorer’s Club, 1980
- United Nations, New York, Earth Day Address, 1992
- International University, Buckminister Fuller Lecturer, 1993
- Astronaut Hall of Fame, inducted 1995
- NBC Dateline, feature story, April 1996
- Sightings, feature story, October 1996
- Nominee, Nobel Peace Prize, 2005
My professional life has always been that of an explorer but it is
divided into two distinct phases, the first encompasses the early years
as a military officer, test pilot, engineer and astronaut exploring the
outer limits of the physical world. The second phase has been that of a
student, researcher and teacher exploring the inner experience with both
subjective and objective methods. My dual interests have been life
long, but the first was predominant during the early years and the
second became dominant after the lunar exploration.
1995-: Research, writing and publication of the “Way of the Explorer”
with emphasis on exploring the Dyadic Model as an alternative to the
Cartesian Duality. Research and publication of articles on the nature of
the quantum hologram and its potential as the non-local mechanism for
intuitive and other “paranormal” perceptions. Serve of the Board of
Directors of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the Board of Trustees of
the Astronaut Scholarship Fund. Paid speaker/lecturer approximately 20
weekends a year in the US and abroad.
1992–1995: Independent study, research and teaching experimental
learning strategies, adaptation of the methods developed during three
decades by Lozanov, Suzuki, Shichida, Welch et al. Accelerated learning
techniques, whereby individuals from infancy to old age may better
utilize latent capabilities to absorb, retain, recall and utilize large
quantities of information, with enhanced creativity, greater
productivity, and an expanded sense of well being have been among the
overlooked discoveries of the world of education. In response to the
information explosion of modern times these alternative learning
strategies are now being seriously studied as partial answer to the
dilemma of “information overload” and the breakdown of the educational
infrastructure. My interest in these methods is the natural outgrowth of
twenty-three years of study of the processes and capabilities of human
1991–1993: Created and taught a lecture/workshop series for
corporations and the public on paradigm shift, societal alternatives and
sustainable futures. This material has been presented to more than 1000
people in full day workshops, and in lecture form, to large audiences
in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Mexico. Material from this series is
still requested by program planners seeking to present an innovative
program for their organizations. Responses to this lecture/workshop
series focused my attention on the need for developing new techniques
for learning in the “information society”.
1988-1991: Sabatical and semi-retirement. This was a period of
reflection and study. Professional activity consisted of a limited
number of speaking engagements and consulting tenures with business
1983-1987: Consultant and Project Manager. Constructions Mecaniques
du Normandy, Paris, France. First as a consultant, then as project
manager I was responsible for the reorganization of the Information
Management Systems of this old line French ship building company. The
major task was to modernize the financial management with a new
information system and to install new computer-aided design and
computer-aided manufacturing to the shipyard operations. This $10
million project was nearing successful completion when the company was
sold to new owners in 1987.
1983: Co-founded with astronaut Russell Schweickhart the Association
of Space Explorers. From modest beginnings in Paris with three
astronauts and four cosmonauts, then twenty-three astronauts and
cosmonauts the following year, hosted by Constructions Mecaniques du
Normandy , the ASE included in 1994, over 250 individuals, 95% of all
living humans who have flown in space. With international headquarters
in Switzerland and local organizations in the United States, Russia and
Europe, ASE has annual meetings in different nations of the world to
present educational and environmental programs to the public, and to
promote peaceful and cooperative exploration of space. It is the
professional organization for spacefarers of all nations.
1980–: President, Edgar Mitchell Productions. This entity was formed to house my lectures, workshops and consulting practice.
1979-1989: Director, member of the audit committee, Steego
Corporation, NYSE (STG). Served as director and consultant to the
chairman of the board. Steego is a mini-conglomerate with operations in
trailer manufacturing, auto parts, industrial machinery and paper
products. Its public shares were acquired and Steego was privatized in a friendly take-over in 1989.
1977-1978: Chairman of the Board and major stockholder, Information
Sciences, Inc. Served as chairman of the board during acquisition by new
investor group. Directed program of reorganization and selection of new
permanent management team.
1973–: Founder and Chairman of the Board (until 1982), Institute of
Noetic Sciences (IONS), Sausalito, CA. I founded this non-profit
foundation to conduct and sponsor research programs in the nature of
human consciousness. It was founded to explore the upper ranges of human
potential in order to learn new models for improving the human
condition and, further, to thereby discover new paradigms that might
produce sustainable societal alternatives. In the thirty-two years of
its existence, IONS has become an international organization with in
excess of 40,000 loyal members, numerous publications and research
programs, and an annual conference attended by approximately 2000
members (1994). Though no longer active in day-to-day operations, I
remain as a member of the board of directors.
1972–: 1972 was the beginning of the second phase of my professional
career. It has centered on activities as a lecturer, consultant, author,
independent scholar in consciousness studies, human potential and
societal alternatives. My fundamental motivation for more than two
decades has been to assist and support the discovery, creation and
dissemination of better models for understanding human behaviours and
capabilities which could lead toward sustainability of global
civilization. It has been increasingly clear during these past two
decades that the dominant paradigms embraced by the world’s major
cultural traditions and diverse national socio/economic/political
policies do not meet the test of sustainability beyond the early years
of the 21st century. My desire is to make a difference in the likely
outcome and to help give birth to a paradigm emphasizing sustainability.
1966-1972: U.S. Astronaut Corp. I flew the Apollo 14 Lunar Expedition
to the Fra Mauro highlands of the moon, with Admiral Alan Shepard and
Colonel Stuart Roosa, January 31-February 9, 1971. I became the sixth
human to walk on the moon. In addition, I served on the backup crew of
Apollo 10 and Apollo 16. I served as team leader for the astronaut group
selected in 1966. I retired from government service in October 1972.
1965-1966: U.S. Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot School.
Preparation for astronaut duties, and certification as test pilot. I
served as an instructor in advanced mathematics and navigation theory
for astronaut candidates.
1964-1965: Technical Director for Naval Space Systems Division, Los
Angeles, CA. I provided liaison between the U.S. Air Force and the
Department of the Navy on military space development and exercised
technical control over U.S. Navy manned space planning efforts.
1959-1964: Postgraduate study: US Naval Postgraduate School and the Massachussetts Institute of Technology.
1958-1959: Test pilot and tactics specialist for USN research and development squadron.
1952-1958: Operational pilot and squadron officer with the U.S. Navy both ashore and aboard aircraft carriers.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ScD, Aeronautics and
Astronautics, 1964; majors in physics and mathematics, minors in
instrumentation and astronomy; Dissertation: “Guidance of Low Thrust
Interplanetary Vehicles”.- US Naval Postgraduate School, BS, Aeronautics, 1961; major in performance and aerospace testing, minor in mathematics.
- Carnegie Mellon University, BS, Industrial Management, 1952; majors
in industrial administration and accounting, minors in electrical
engineering and engineering analysis. - USAF Aerospace Research Pilot School, Edwards Air Force Base,
California, 1966; Certification in advanced research aerospace vehicles
and experimental aircraft.
- Presidential Medal of Freedom
- USN Distinguished Service Medal
- NASA Distinguished Service Medal
- NASA Distinguished Service Award
- NASA Group Achievement Award (three times)
- USAF Aerospace Research Pilot School, First in Class Award
- Medal of the City of New York
- American Astronautical Society, Flight Achievement Award
- Arnold Air Society, John F. Kennedy Award for Space Exploration
- Carnegie Mellon University Alumni, Outstanding Man of the Year, 1972
- Kappa Sigma, Man of the Year Award, 1972
- Adventurers Club, Gold Medal Award for Exploration
- Explorers Club, Lowell Thomas Award for Explorations in Human Consciousness, 1980
- Drexel University, Engineering and Science Award for Explorations in Consciousness, 1974
- Space Hall of Fame, inducted 1979
- Astronaut Hall of Fame, inducted 1995
- Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005
Divorced. One son, Adam Blakemore Mitchell from marriage to Sheilah
Ann Sisco Ledbetter; two children from previous marriage to Louise
Elizabeth Randall: Karlyn Mitchell-Pearce, PhD, Elizabeth Mitchell
Kendall; three adopted children: Kimberly Ann Mitchell, Richard Paul
Mitchell, Mary Beth Mitchell Johnson; nine grandchildren.
- “Guidance of Low Thrust Interplanetary Vehicles”, doctoral dissertation, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, 1964
- “Mission Report of Apollo 14”, Co-authored with the NASA Mission Control Team, 1971
- “Geological Results of Apollo 14 Mission”, Co-authored with the USGS Research Team, 1971
- “An ESP Test from Apollo 14”, Journal of Parapsychology, Vol 35, No 1, June 1971
- “Awareness and Science”, paper presented to the 125th meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association panel of the APA Task Force on
Transcultural Psychiatry, 1972 - “Consciousness–the Ultimate Enigma”, Albert Schmidt lecture, Notre Dame University, College of Science, 1972
- “Planetary Problems and Planetary Fulfillment”, address to the Nightingale-Conant Human Resources Convention, 1972
- “Awareness in the New Age”, address to the Mind Dynamics Convention, 1972
- “Global Consciousness and the View from Space”, Spiritual Frontiers, vol 4, no 4, 1972
- “Awareness and Science”, Science of Mind, January, 1973
- “Noetics, the Emerging Science of Consciousness”, 1973, private printing,
- “Models of Consciousness”, Firing Line, dialogue with William F. Buckley, Jr. 1973
- “Planetary Problems and their Interrelationships”, keynote address, Rotary International Convention, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1973
- “Death and Consciousness: New Concepts in the Space Age”, Philosophical Aspect of Thanatology, Columbia University Press, 1973
- “Planetary Problems and the View From Space”, The Adventurer, 1973
- “Death and Consciousness”, Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, vol 1, No 1, 1973
- “A New Perspective on Man”, The Way of the World, October, 1973
- “Psychic Exploration, A Challenge for Science”, with John White et al,
G.P. Putnam & Sons, 1974
- “Spaceship Earth”, article, Science of Mind, January, 1974
- “Inner Spaces” Edgar Mitchell, host, film and video, Hartley Productions, 1974
- “The Ultimate Mystery” Edgar Mitchell, host, film and video, Hartley Productions, 1974
- “Why Scientists take Psychic Research Seriously”, interview, Business Week, January, 1974
- “Consciousness Research, A New Frontier”, invited lecture, Harvard University, 1974
- “The Consciousness of Edgar Mitchell”, interview, Human Behavior, January, 1974
- “Outer Space to Inner Space, an Astronauts Odyssey”, interview, Saturday Review, February 22, 1975
- “Noetics, Outer Space to Inner Space”, John Fetzer Lecture, Kalamazoo College, May, 1979
- “Future Directions in Science”, Convocation address, Dedication Ceremonies, University of Akron, September, 1979
- “Implications of Mind Research”, paper, Congressional Clearing House of the Future, U.S. Capitol, December, 1979.
- “When Foxes Guard the Henhouse”, 1987, unpublished manuscript on the
deleterious effects of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Excerpts from
this manuscript provided to the Office of Technology Assessment, U.S.
Congress, during research and debate on SDI.
- “Consciousness Research and the Paradigm Shift”, address, Institute for Consciousness and Physics, Paris, 1991
- “Change and the New World Order”, seminar/workshop series, 1991,
presented in numerous sessions of corporate and organizational training. - “Edgar Mitchell”, interview, Visions magazine, July, 1992
- “Where to Now”, article, Science of Mind, August, 1992, vol 65 No 8.
- “Paradigm Shift and the Global Dilemma”, Buckminster Fuller Lecture,
Southern International University, San Diego, CA, January, 1993 - “Toward Understanding the Source of Values”, paper, 4th
International Conference on Science and Spirituality, Uxmal, Mexico,
January, 1994 - “The Shifting Needs in Education”, workshop, Greater Edmonton Teachers Covention, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, February, 1994
- “Space and the Environment”, television interview on Animal Adventures with Jack Hanna, episode 26, 1994
- “A Dyadic Model of Consciousness”, invited essay, 1995, World Futures, Vol.46 pp 69-78
- “The Way of the Explorer” with Dwight Williams, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1996; revised edition; Richter, Buenos Aires, 2001
- “Science and Consciousness Meet!” with Peter Marcer, Ph.D. 1997;
Institute of Noetic Sciences Monograph; Report on theory and experiment
with the quantum hologram as a mechanism for intuitive and mystical
functions. - “Space Flight as an Anticipatory Computing System” CASYS ‘99 Third
International Conference; 2000 American Institute of Physics 1-56396-
933-5/00 - “Nature’s Mind: The Quantum Hologram”; International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Science, Vol. 7, 2000; pp 295
- “The Physical Nature of Consciousness” with Peter Marcer, Advances in Consciousness Research, 2001, Vol 19, ISSN 1381-589X
- “Self-reference, the Dimensionality and Scale of quantum Mechanical
Effects, Critical Phenomena and Qualia.”, with Peter Marcer, Walter
Schempp, International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, 2002,
Vol 13, pp 340-359
- “Change and the New World Order”, seminar/workshop series, 1991,